Bemidji Daily Pioneer 1904-1922
Using the digitized newspapers provided online by the Library of Congress, I was able to extract pages of newspaper covers and analyze them using various software. Adobe Photoshop was used to compare individual images as well as to re-size and touch up specific images. I used Adobe Premiere to make a video that allowed us to view all 5784 front pages of the Bemidji Daily Pioneer in a rapid sequence that lasts around three minutes. Imageplot was used to create all the visualizations and image measurements. Measurements like mean, and standard deviation were derived from the images and plotted using Imageplot.
Library of Congress Newspapers Analysis ="sub-title">
TheBemidji Daily Pioneer (front pages) 1904-1922
Placeof Publication: Bemidji, Minnesota
Frequency:Daily (except Sunday)

Usingthe digitized newspapers provided online by the Library of Congress,I was able to extract pages of newspaper covers and analyze themusing various software. Adobe Photoshop was used to compareindividual images as well as to re-size and touch up specific images.I used Adobe Premiere to make a video that allowed us to view all5784 front pages of the Bemidji Daily Pioneer in a rapid sequencethat lasts around three minutes. Imageplot was used to create all thevisualizations and image measurements. Measurements like mean, andstandard deviation were derived from the images and plotted usingImageplot.
Theimage above is a montage of all the front pages of the BemidjiDaily Pioneer from 1904-1922. Looking at the middle of the montage wecan see a distinct division. This shows a shift in color patterns onthe front pages. Some of these shifts have to do with how the imageswere scanned, looking closely at the divide we can notice the colorof the paper becoming a darker gray. We can also see certain lines ofblack spots showing us that the paper went through trends and phasesregarding the use of  images. Some months photography and cartoons werea lot more frequent while other months they are almost non-existent.

XAxis: Date
YAxis: Mean

Theimage above is a visualization of all the BDP's (Bemidji DailyPioneer) front pages. The X-axis goes in sequence of date, oldest tomost recent. The Y-Axis measures average gray values. Thismeasurement distinguish which images have more black or more white inthem. Around the middle portion we can see more black spots withinthe front pages which shows the popularity of photography and imageswithin emerging newspapers. The front pages that are closer to X-axishave larger pictures, and the pages that are farther from the X-axis seem to have covers that are mostly text.

XAxis: Date
YAxis: Mean

Tomake some patterns more clearly we can take samples from them thewhole sequence. Above is a similar visualization that thakes a frontpage every two weeks. This sampling allows us to see a wave patternof the front pages that was derived from measuring the mean of thegray values throughout the years.

X Axis: Mean
Y Axis: Standard Deviation

Wecan also do a very simple sampling of the first and last imagesanalyzed, as well as one in between. The image above show us one ofthe first front pages in 1904, then a front page 9 years later in1912, then again 9 years later in 1922. Looking at these imagesclosely we can see overall shift in design and layout. The title ofthe newspaper went through some changes regarding size andformatting, especially when advertisements became more popular in1922. The front cover in 1913 also shows us an additional seventhcolumn, rather than just six in 1904. The three front pages also showus a gradual increase in the amount of headlines and as well as theincrease in text size to attract readers. New types of media likephotographs, and even political cartoons started to become morepopular and take up more space on the front page.
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